This Lazada shop sells coffee beans at a pretty good price, for as low as $5.50 for 250g during sales.
I am not a coffee artisan. I usually buy Starbucks bean at $13.90, and for me Starbucks is fine.
Paksong coffee is fine as well.
The bonus is that Paksong beans are much more fresh. When I received my package, the roast date was just 3 days ago.
The Price
I bought a F2 Lao Typica dark strong blend, their most popular and cheapest. Their 250g bag usually sells at $8.90, but during 9.9 sales (and frequently during sales), they will sell at $5.50.
Price History from ShopBack
After applying a voucher, I paid $4.99
I paid with Amex, and they have a $5 credit for each Lazada transaction. So I ended up earning $0.01 for this particular order. 😂
At just $5-$9, I think they are very cheap. My coffee taste good. Hence I would buy again, especially during shopfest sales (9.9 10.10 11.11 12.12)!
Remember to use ShopBack for that extra cashback.